Your Guide to Septic Drainage Field by CST Group

A Guide to Your Septic Drainage Field

Septic tank drainage fields play an intricate and vital role in the overall function of your septic system. With over 20 years of experience, our team can help you with all your septic needs. In this article, we explain what a drainage field is and how it operates, explore its relationship with your septic tank, discuss the effects of rain on your drainage field, highlight the signs of drainage field issues and provide some preventative measures. Contact us today.

What is a Drainage Field?

A septic drainage field is a subsurface area through which wastewater from your septic tank can drain. These areas remove contaminants and impurities from the wastewater, using a series of trenches, pipes and gravel beneath a grassy area. Your septic drainage field size typically depends on the size of your house and tank.

Interconnection With Your Septic Tank Drainage

Your drainage field receives partially treated wastewater, or effluent, from your septic tank and continues to purify it. It allows the septic tank to empty, without which it would overflow. Natural microbes and bacteria break down the waste and filter it through to the grass.

Effects of Rain on Your Septic Drainage Field

Excessive rainwater can affect your drainage field’s ability to function optimally. Rainwater can cause the soil in your drainage field to fill with water, which can limit its ability to release liquid from the septic tank. A water-logged field can cause the septic tank to back up and overflow.

Preventative Measures and Maintenance

There are a variety of ways you can minimise the effect rain can have on your septic tank drainage, such as:

  • Reduce your water usage during high-rain weather, such as laundry, baths, etc
  • Avoid flushing items down the drain to prevent blockages, such as wipes and excessive amounts of hair
  • Regularly inspect your system to ensure there are no signs of blockages or other issues.
  • Hire a professional to clean our your septic tank regularly – every 3 years.

Drainage fields play a critical role in your septic system, and regular maintenance can ensure its efficiency and longevity. Call our team today, or contact us online for maintenance and cleaning services.

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Te Awamutu




Our comprehensive range of services includes septic tank maintenance, water delivery, precise hydro excavation, thorough CCTV drain inspections, jetting, and more!

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