5 Common Septic Tank Problems in Cambridge, NZ

5 Common Septic Tank Problems

Learn the 5 Common Septic Tank Problems

Although septic tanks are essential in keeping any home environment clean and safe we find that people often need to pay more attention to their consistent upkeep. While septic tank problems can feel like everything has turned upside down, fortunately most of these problems can be easily identified and fixed. Keep reading this helpful guide from CST Group to learn the most common issues as well as how to fix septic tank problems and prevent them in the future.

1. Damage from Tree Roots

Tree and shrub roots can grow through the walls of a septic tank, allowing waste liquid to leak out and groundwater to seep in. Therefore, it is essential to keep your tank at least a few feet away from nearby trees. You can use septic-friendly chemical remedies to stop feeder roots from damaging the septic tank. In more extreme cases, you may need an expert for mechanical removal.

2. Strong Odours

One of the common signs of a septic tank problem is unpleasant smells. The drains and the mushroom ventilation around your septic tank may smell bad for several reasons, such as a build-up of solid waste, the result of chemicals used to kill the bacteria that decompose trash, or a problem with the effluent drainage field area. If you notice an unpleasant odour coming from your tank, call an expert to inspect and determine the cause.

3. Ground Movement

The foundation of your tank can be compromised by even the slightest shifts in the ground, leading to other septic tank problems. If cracks or fractures develop in the walls of your tank, you may need to empty it more frequently to prevent overflow. Furthermore, the capacity of your tank to filter out liquid from solid waste will be compromised if groundwater enters through these cracks. In this case, it may be necessary to replace the entire tank, which can only be done by a professional.

4. Clogged or Blockages

Regular septic tank pumping usually prevents clogged septic tanks from overflowing. However, non-bio-degradable items are often dumped into septic tanks causing them to overflow. A DIY repair could be an option if the problem is with the pipes, but it is recommended that you contact a professional septic tank pumping service if you suspect the problem is with the tank.

5. Excessive Water Usage

An overflowing tank can be a consequence of excessive water use. Excessive water use slows the decomposition of waste significantly. Whenever the water level in the tank rises too high, solid waste can get pushed into the effluent field pipes which are designed for only liquids. Over time this completely seals off the effluent field pipes. An option to avoid this, reroute Grey water waste to an alternative drain or holding tank to use on your garden etc.

How to Fix Septic Tank Problems

Although you can inspect your septic tank, you might miss some crucial details. Additionally, you risk exposure to potentially hazardous substances when you conduct the inspection yourself. If you want absolute peace of mind that your septic tank is in good working order, consistent maintenance and professional inspections are your best bet.

Feel free to contact us online or on 0800 438 989 for a septic tank cleaning and maintenance today.

Our comprehensive range of services includes septic tank maintenance, water delivery, precise hydro excavation, thorough CCTV drain inspections, jetting, and more!